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The winner will receive: 

* A free recording contract worth 100k with Side Street Boyz 
* Free promotion of their own music for 1 year on all our social media platforms and our website.
* Free ticket in any concert organised by CES Entertainment for 1 year.

How to participate

Interested artists can submit a 3 minute long video of their FOREVER AND A DAY track together with their name, age, location, photo, email address and phone number to

Selected videos will be uploaded on our YouTube channel and Facebook page where fans will vote through likes and comments.  The artist with the highest number of votes will be crowned "Forever and a day HERO".
Option B: Upload the video to our Facebook page with your details. (Facebook page Side Street Boyz, YouTube Side Street Boyz TV.).
For inquiries visit our YouTube channel or contact 08035402828, NiG media CEO on 09077286247 or email:

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